Ben writes from Tokyo, where his team has been meeting and sharing Christ with students from ICU and Waseda universities.
“Last week was really busy, but really exciting for me. I was able to meet a college student at Waseda named Yuuki, and we really had a fun conversation sometime two weeks ago. Then, Monday of this past week, I met up with him again, he took me to a oil-based ramen shop and then we had an almost 2 hour long conversation during which I got to share the gospel with him. He wasn’t ready to accept it yet, but it was awesome to get to have the opportunity to share it with him. The next day he invited me to play with his futsal circle, so I got to meet some of his friends and connect with them, and played futsal for 2 hours (in the rain!). That was a lot of fun. On Thursday, Brian (one of my teammates) and I were able to re-meet two guys we had talked to previously at Waseda and we talked with them for 2 hours as well, and went through the whole 4 Spiritual Laws with them! Again, we didn’t really push them to a decision on the spot, but it was really exciting that we were able to even bring it out at all! Finally, on Friday, we had our ICU High school BBQ, and we actually had about 8 guys come out for that (we were expecting maybe 5 at the most!). It was great to get to play and talk to them, and we are hoping to hang out with them more tomorrow at ICU and then on Saturday when we host a Sayonara Party for our team at the JCCC Student Center in Mitaka.
“Please keep praying for our team! We’ve definitely been feeling tired recently; pray that we can push through! Also, pray that I’ll have an opportunity to follow up with the three guys that I’ve shared the gospel with so far. I am hoping to get them connected to either church or some of the staff here in Japan.”
Ben’s trip continues through July 3rd. Thanks for your prayers!

Ben's Mission Trip to Tokyo