Hi Praying Friends!
Rochelle’s first round of chemo went very well, and she is now starting her second round of six. After the first 10 days of the cycle, she felt pretty good for the rest of the 4 week cycle. We so appreciate your prayers for us in all this! We’ve set up a Caring Bridge site to help keep you updated, so please sign up there for more prayer updates. Visit Rochelle Clark on Caring Bridge.
Some of you may want to give to help cover Rochelle’s expenses. Insurance covers 85%, but we will need gifts to cover the 15% up to about $8000. Many of these expenses have already begun with the bone marrow biopsy, the CT scan and the port surgery. Since we serve the Lord with Campus Crusade for Christ (sending out new missionaries around the world as our full time job) gifts such as this work best with the IRS if you send your gift through CCC. Checks can be made to Campus Crusade for Christ and mailed to CCC at 100 Lake Hart Dr, Orlando, FL 32828 with a small note designating the gift for “Steve and Rochelle Clark #0257817.” Also feel free to give online here. Thank you so much!

Rochelle’s CLL Chemo 2nd Round and Information about Gifts
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