BEN’S MISSION TRIP TO TOHOKU, July 15 to August 3, 2011.

Ben had a great trip to the tsunami area (north of any radiation) where his team of 8 served many people by restoring homes and car-ing for the needs of refugees. Ben’s team worked in Kessen-numa and Rikuzen-takata.
One couple they helped, the Kumagais, had a home where the first floor was a res-taurant. The tsunami came crashing into the first floor, but that was as far as it came! Although the couple worked hard to clean up the restaurant, they couldn’t’ do it alone. Ben’s team came alongside them and cleaned floors, windows, and dishes until everything was shiny and ready. The ham-burger steak place is once again serving meals! Ben’s team was also able to share the love of Christ and the gospel with them. Please pray for their salvation.
Thanks for praying for his trip. Ben seemed to really grow through the experience. He has started taking on more leadership com-mitments with Cru at UCF where he is a senior this year. He is helping lead a small group Bible study and learning lots from special Cru confer-ences. Pray for God’s work through him.
Video from his team here: Team Video.

Report on Ben's Trip to Japan