Pray for openness in the people and unity in the believers. Pray for Japan.

Pray for those who have been left as the sole surviving member of their family.

Pray for those in the shelters who are suicidal and in despair. They
need hope! Just under 150,000 people are still living in schools,
community centers, and other temporary situations. In a recent survey,
almost half of these people have no idea where or how they will be
able to find a place to live, or where or how they will be able to
find work. Many are recently bereaved.

Pray for spiritual strongholds over Japan to be broken, so that the
captives of Japan can be set free. Pray for souls to be saved!

Pray for energy and safety for those who are serving in the disaster
area right now, including pastors and missionaries.

Pray for daily wisdom and decision making at CRASH. What praying for Japan means.

From US staff serving with Japan CCC in Okinawa: Roy will accompany our pastor and another missionary from our church to mainland Japan tomorrow (March 21-25). They are planning to rent a truck in Tokyo and take food and relief supplies to those who are in need in northern Japan. Please pray that they will be able to rent a truck and gasoline, be allowed passage to get the food and supplies to those who need them.
(This is likely part of the CRASH Japan relief operations, distributing food and supplies brought in by Samaritan’s Purse or a similar group).

Prayer Items for Japan are listed here.

This article recounts the devastation but also includes a good map of the affected areas for reference (the map is about 2/3 of the way into the article). Mail Online article dated Mar 14, 2011.

Photos of Miyagi by Matthias B, a volunteer from Tokyo who went north to aid refugees.

Prayer Items for Japan