As we enter into this special season, when giving is highlighted and the idea of shopping for presents is supposed to be to bring delight to children and family, it’s important that we call to mind the reason for the season.
Many songs of the season remind us that it is Jesus’ birthday, and what is being celebrated is the Best Gift, the offering of God’s Son as a sacrifice for our sins.
I pray that you will be taking time with the Lord and turning to Him with thanks, joy and praise that He is the Giver of Good Gifts, and knows just what you need and when you need it. Rest in Him, and gather with your family and friends to remember what God has done.
Then, in the spirit of giving, let’s look for those with the greatest needs, to see how we can help bring them delight, joy, and praise that the Lord had seen their need, at just the right time.
God bless you!

A Very Merry Christmas