We sure need your prayers just now.  It seems like we have gotten a bit of a load.
1) Recently Rochelle went to the doctor with an infection.  The infection seemed to cause some swelling of her lymph glands in her throat and along the top of the back of her neck.  She went to the doctor to get that checked and to change the antibiotic, which didn’t seem to be working exactly.  The doctor sent her to her oncologist to get checked out.  After 3 weeks she got in to see the oncologist and she said that yes, this is a sign of Stage 1 of her CLL.  (Stage 0 is when there are no symptoms and just a higher white cell count).  Her white blood count at 36000 is significantly higher than expected on the previous curve.  So it looks like the CLL may be progressing faster than we had hoped.  There are no other symptoms, and we will just have her checked again in August.  It isn’t until Stage 3 or 4 that they actually do some chemo type treatment, but it is discouraging to know it is not moving slowly.  Of course pray for peace and contentment as we see this through.  Pray for wisdom as we look for another doctor who could be more helpful, and for some fellow CLL patients Rochelle could get to know.  We continue to do our research on this cancer.
2) While Steve was still in Dallas in April, Ben’s car stopped running while he was on his way to a final exam.  A friend helped him get to the test.  The Toyota Corolla’s transmission died and had to be repaired along with a water pump and then a new pulley and belts.  $2000 later the car will hopefully keep running for him.  We are praying for funds to cover that expense.
3) The landlord called us to say he is going to short-sale the house to try and get out of the mortgage.  We have been renting.  The realty agent came to take pictures and said he expects the process will take 6 months to work through the bank, but not much more.  So we have to decide on moving in June or August or hang on till mid-fall.  We were hoping to stay until next summer so Melissa can be connected to the same high school until graduation.  We were thinking to move closer to the headquarters after that.  Now we need to do a move sooner somewhere.
4) Ben’s jaw surgery will happen May 10, and we will keep you posted.  Of course the doctor and the hospital had to be paid in advance, and we are still in need of $3000 towards the surgery.  But all the steps leading up to the surgery seem to be going fine, so that’s good.
The book of James starts out like this: “Count it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds.”  That is exactly how we want to face this set of circumstances.  God knows exactly where we are and what we need, and is fully able to provide at just the right time.  Thank you Father for the many trials, for as your word says, “because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance.”  Help us trust, rest and persevere in you!
I’ll be sending a few more regular updates on Ben’s surgery as we walk through that.  Thanks for all of your prayers for us!  We so appreciate it!

Some Family News