Hi friends! Thanks so much for your prayers for our upcoming mission trip with Filter of Hope. After years of sending out new staff all around the world and the US, Steve and I are so excited to have a chance to GO to the world ourselves! We will serve the Lord and people in the Dominican Republic, June 21—28, with Filter of Hope, a ministry partner with Cru. We and our team (consisting of 12 of us from the States: 9 adults and 3 teenage grandkids) will share the gifts of clean water and the Good News of Jesus with the people there.

As you can see from the diagram above, this trip is extremely well-prepared. The work begins with prayer by the church in the community where the filters will be given out. Then we will visit the homes door to door, build relationships, and give out a water filter which we teach them how to use. These filters last ten years and can provide 250 gallons of clean water every day. They offer an easy opportunity to serve a real need, share the Gospel, and connect communities to their local church for continued care.

After demonstrating that the water is now safe to drink, we also get to share the gospel. Just as the water filter changes the dirty water to clean water, so Jesus changes sinful and burdened hearts into clean and joyful lives! Church members visit each home with our team and provide follow up for our new friends and for any who become new believers.

Please pray for us and our team during this trip. Please pray for safety and health, for good fellowship with the local believers, and for the Holy Spirit to empower us as we build relationships and share our faith in the community. Please ask the Lord to prepare the hearts of many who hear that they may believe in Jesus.  Also lift up the local church members who work with us that God will encourage them and cause them to bear more fruit! Thank you so much for partnering with us on this mission through your prayers!

Bringing Hope to the Dominican Republic

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