“They’re speaking English!”

Boarding the Metro, Sam’s ears perked up as he recognized a language rarely heard in his part of Central Asia. Excited, the young man dashed over and introduced himself. The American couple warmed to Sam’s initiative, engaging with him, and continuing in conversation as the train sped toward their respective stops. Sam explained that he runs an English club for kids in town: “Would you come be my special guests?” 

From that point on, life and ministry got unpredictably intriguing for Cru staff members, M and K.

Showing up at Sam’s English club, K,, who loves baseball, listened as 25 teens, in their halting English, told him about their hobbies and classes at school. Then one girl asked, “Mr. K, what’s your favorite book?” K paused, prayed, then replied, “The Bible.” Sam smiled, adding, “That’s how Mr. K gets his spiritual motivation.”

Encouraged, K scheduled a follow-up lunch with Sam. A huge surprise awaited K as he arrived at the designated spot. Squeezed into the booth with Sam were seven other guys, eager to learn. With the dexterity of a shortstop, K fielded all kinds of questions—including one about his religion. Knowing all these guys practiced the majority culture religion, K silently prayed, then said to them, “Okay, here you go.”

With the conversation sliding toward Jesus, K wondered how Sam would react. He felt reassured when, after lunch, Sam issued yet another invitation: Would M and K come with him to his home village, a four-hour taxi ride away?

Here’s how K describes their visit to this very conservative part of the country: “They pray before and after every meal, in a particular posture, which we submitted to, enjoying the humility and silently praying to Jesus.” Later in the day, separating men from women for extended prayer, M & K followed suit, joining in.

“My relatives love you,” Sam confided to M & K, their hearts (and stomachs) brimming with local hospitality.

On Saturday, Sam arranged for them to help kids with English in three different schools. “Though we really couldn’t say anything directly about Jesus, there was an excitement that the staff and directors of the schools noticed. It could be that the Holy Spirit was opening a door into these kids’ hearts, as He did with Sam’s family.”

Pray as this couple continues to carry God’s love through these open doors that His Word would slide home in their hearts. What a blessing to send staff like M. and K!

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