The Open Window Partnership is a seven year focus of the campus ministry to send to and resource specific countries in North Africa, Middle East, Central Asia, and parts of South and Southeast Asia. We go at the invitation of our international partners and our desire is to share the gospel and raise up multiplying disciples to help launch student led movements.

A missionary in the Open Window recently shared this story…

The very first question Jane* (a student I was meeting with) asked me was, “Okay, who is Jesus to you?” I was blown away! That led to a conversation about Jesus and what it means to be a follower of His. Jane shared that for much of her life she and her family have been seeking truth. I then asked Jane, “In your search for truth, have you ever read the Bible?” to which she responded, “No, I’ve never even held one!” When I asked if she would want to read the Bible with me, she quickly with excitement declared that she would love to read the Bible with me. She even said, “We’re not leaving this cafe until we decide when we will meet to read the Bible!”

The following Tuesday, Jane and I met up to read the Bible together. As soon as I sat down she asked, “Where is the Bible?! Did you bring it?!” I wish you could have seen the smile on her face and the wonder in her eyes as she held the Word of God for the very first time. She gently and excitedly flipped through the pages, “So, this is God’s Word…”

After I explained the gospel to her she responded saying, “That is beautiful, that makes sense.” We then read the passage about the woman at the well and she said, “It is a big deal that Jesus moves towards this woman. I can see His mercy and forgiveness.” She asked if she could keep the Bible. I told her it was a gift for her, and that this was one of the best gifts anyone could receive. She responded, “Well, of course! It’s the book of life!” 

Before I left, I asked Jane what she was feeling, Her response amazed me: “I think I’m at the start of a long journey where I get to know Jesus. It’s all so new to me, I’ve never heard this message before. It’s different than what I’ve always been told, but it’s good. I think more people, especially in the Middle East, need to hear the message of Jesus–someone needs to tell them!”   *Name changed for security reasons

Open Hearts in Difficult Places