God changes many lives each year during Cru’s Winter Conferences for students! This year, Rochelle and I were privileged to serve at the Orlando Conference held on January 26th to 28th. We loved serving and meeting the students!

Cru staff organized Winter Conferences in 6 cities around the country during December or January. At each conference, students heard challenging teaching from the Word, enjoyed special times of worship, made new friends involved in other Cru movements, and sought the heart of God. We had more than 300 students from campuses all over Florida join us in Orlando.

          Each student who comes is encouraged to move closer to Jesus and grow in his or her faith. Some come who don’t know Jesus personally yet, but they are seeking Him. Others are already leaders student groups on their campuses. But each student is challenged to take their next step in making an impact for God’s Kingdom.

Here are some comments from students who attended a Winter Conference.

“On the last night I gave my life to Christ and I am so grateful!” -Ayden

“The Spirit has instilled joy in my heart at being able to go out and share the gospel, something I’ve never really experienced before. I’m excited to go back and share the gospel with others on my campus.”  -Ethan

“Last year’s Winter Conference radically changed my life as I surrendered the areas of my life that I had held back from God. This year I felt the call to go on a summer mission!”  -Melanie

At the last session, one of our Campus Ministry leaders, Adam Go, shared the challenge of Jesus in Matthew 16:24 to deny ourselves, take up our cross, and follow Him. It seemed like holy ground to see hundreds of students stepping up to the front to commit themselves to live life this way, giving Jesus first place in their lives. May God be glorified and may He empower them to make Him known.

Take Up Your Cross for Jesus