One of the goals of Cru is to raise up well-equipped staff and disciples who are ready to engage the culture with the gospel where they live. To help do that, Cru holds a Cru Staff Conference in Fort Collins, CO every other summer. Rochelle and I look forward to an inspiring time of learning and connecting with staff, including those we’ve sent.
cru15 logoThis July 13th to 22nd is a significant time for all US staff to come together to meet with the Lord, to hear how He is working around the world, and to renew our vision for where He is leading us as a movement.
Please pray with us that the Lord would work in a mighty way among the staff to prepare us for greater service to Him. Pray that we would be built spiritually and grow in our faith. Pray for opportunities to build up and encourage those we have sent as missionaries. Pray for health and safety for our family as we travel.
We will also be traveling to visit ministry partners up the east coast in late July and early August. Pray for a fruitful and encouraging time with our partners and friends.
If you’d like to give a gift to help cover our travel and conference costs for the Staff Conference, you can give securely online at
Thank you so much for your prayers! You are a great blessing to us!

Clark’s Summer Plans