Aafiya (not her real name) cringed at the brutal murder unfolding before her eyes. Tears of sympathy escaped as she watched the stranger on television breathe his last. Instantly, Aafiya felt a hand on her shoulder. Not just a light tap, but a calming pressure. Too scared to turn around, Aafiya sensed the presence of Jesus—the man on TV. Somehow this Son of God no longer felt like a stranger.
Aafiya was watching the JESUS film in her heart language, Farsi, via Mohabat TV (Agape TV, a satellite station that regularly broadcasts the JESUS film, Magdalena and Rivka films into North Africa, Europe, the Middle East, and the Arabian Peninsula). One of the workers there recalled Aafiya’s comment to a call-in counselor after watching the JESUS film and inviting Christ to be her personal Savior: “Why can’t people see that Jesus died for all of us? I’ve got to go tell.”
Jesus Died For All of Us