After a wonderful time enjoying friends from Norway at our home in Orlando, FL, we took off driving cross country towards 2 staff conferences being held in Colorado.  We stayed with special friends we had not seen in a long time (27 years, we figured!  They were never in the places we were when we were going around the country.).  We stayed with other friends we had seen recently during our stint in Orlando, our first year back.  Really wonderful to get caught up with them all.

Our destination for the trip, was the Still Waters conference in Winter Park, CO.  CCC hosts this conference for it’s US staff and their families who are on furlough or transitioning back to the US.  2 years ago we were there as participants near Estes Park.  This time, Rochelle and I were part of the team that hosted the conference.  She did a lot of leading in the care of Elementary children – there were a lot of boys – while their parents were able to enjoy the content and connection with other missionaries.  I was leading small group discussions and doing one on one interviews with these special folks.  While I can’t share about the content of these times, I was very encouraged to see how they ministered to these folks and helped them process some of their experiences.  Together we all had wonderful times of praise and worship, and many little treats to express our appreciation for those serving overseas.

It was beautiful weather and scenery; Colorado is one of my spiritual homes.  I always feel refreshed by God’s handiwork there.  I grew up from 6th grade to 12th grade there, and climbed lots of mountains with the Boy Scouts and the church youth group during that time, and came to know the Lord here, so this is special for me.  I am often reminded here to come by the “still waters.”  The Lord with you can also do that for you, wherever you are, as you draw near to Him.

Still Waters