Rochelle has been coaching new staff. One of those she coached just reported to work at Cru Headquarters in our Financial Services group, Sarah Moore, who shared this story from her first connection with one of the ministries she serves, GAiN.

“We go to the hellish places on earth and see God go crazy…it’s the best job in the world!”

Rochelle with Sarah Moore smallWhen I sat down with Al Goff, president and CEO of Global Aid Network (GAiN), for our 30-minute “GAiN overview/vision” meeting, I thought we would have a typical vision casting conversation and insight of how I fit into their family. And we did have that conversation during my ministry trip to GAiN’s headquarters in the Hope Center in Dallas, TX, but it was delivered in a way that made my soul ache and my heart swell. With raw truths and hope, Al opened my eyes into suffering and tragedies around our world that are hard to grasp and seem so distant. He illustrated Redemption from a different mission focus that is beautifully unique.

GAiN-Al-Goff-visits-kidsGAiN “expresses the love of Jesus Christ in the toughest places on earth by relieving suffering and restoring dignity”. Their acts of compassion and meeting survival needs out of love speak the gospel in a unique way by giving those they reach dignity and hope. For example, Al just got back from a ministry trip taking medical supplies to a refugee camp in Iraq, where there were roughly 1,200 internally displaced people from Mosul. He has encountered many refugees in his years as a missionary and his time with GAiN. AL explained to me how they would go into a refugee camp like the one in Iraq to provide clothing, food, and water, and would talk to them about the “One” who sent them. They would introduce people in these distraught cultures to Christ, a refugee just like them. Jesus was displaced and hated by the king, and became a refugee (Matt. 2:13-23), so He understands their needs. He also left his home in heaven so that He could save us all from an eternity of suffering and displacement. And people want to know more; they want to know this Refugee and His love for them!

Cru has staff in 191 countries and GAiN is partnering with these staff and their partners to train, disciple, and multiply believers by accessing inaccessible people in ways where Cru would not otherwise be allowed. “It’s the best job in the world,” Al said as he looked me in the eye and pointed to the map behind him, “and you are doing this.” He explained my part in enabling them to go by working behind the scenes to make it possible. “And if you do it right, no one will notice. It takes three main things: “logistics, people, and funds” to make this ministry function. To connect a donor to a field staff to a needy person in a war torn area takes work! Without operations GAiN can’t go and reach these people, they wouldn’t even be allowed to go by the government without the set up! Thank you for being an essential part of the logistics, people, and funds that are helping to bring Christ to the most hellish places on earth!!

GAiN ( headquarters is in Dallas, TX and GAiN has a packing and distribution center in Mount Joy, PA. Their mission is to demonstrate the love of God in word and deed to hurting and needy people around the world through relief and development projects. Global Aid Network is overseeing projects in more than 25 countries in Africa, Central Asia, Latin America, the Caribbean, and the Middle East.

*Pray for GAiN’s current mission trips—for those ministering with aid in Uganda and the Middle East, that they would bring hope and relief in the name of God.

*Pray for the Liberia Cru Team and GAiN’s current shipment of medical supplies, cleaning supplies, and protective gear for healthcare workers in the Ebola outbreak. Pray for the healthcare workers, the aid, the infected, and that above all people would turn to God.

Thank you for your part in reaching refugees and other needy people as God leads us in preparing and sending new missionaries like Sarah. God is at work through those we send with GAiN and other Cru ministries because you prayed and gave. We love you!

Jesus The Refugee
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