2015 will be 70th year from the end of World War II. During the War, our freedom of religion was taken away and a lot of Christians were persecuted. Today, Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) which is the dominant political party,
Our Son Ben Will Return to Japan
We’re excited to tell you that our son Ben has decided to join Cru as a full time staff and ask to be sent back to Japan to help reach college students for Jesus! His one year STINT will end
Asking For More Laborers for the Harvest
Matthew 9:36-38 “When he (Jesus) saw the crowds, He had compassion on them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd. Then He said to his disciples, “The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask
Pray for Steve’s PA and NJ trip
Steve will be making a trip to visit partners in our Pennsylvania and New Jersey area from May 21 to 24. Please be in prayer for great connections with our partners and God’s leading to new folks he would add
Over Three Years Since Japan Earthquake – Recovery?
It has been more than 3 years since the devastating earthquake and tsunami in Japan. This review of pictures of the towns and the devastation vs. what it looks like now is quite impressive. It shows how much was destroyed,
The Challenge to Help Reach the World for Christ
Dr. Steve Douglass shares from his heart on the opportunities before us to come help change the world. Check out this video on the Serve With Cru website http://www.servewithcru.org/media-and-videos/ 3 min.
Turning Russian Hearts To God Part 2
We’re excited to continue sharing with you some examples of what God is doing to bring people to faith in Russia. Across the country, God is at work through our Cru staff as they show the Jesus film, develop church
China on course to become ‘world’s most Christian nation’ within 15 years
Photo by David Castor, Haidian Christian Church, Beijing, October 2010. Wikimedia Commons license Public Domain. Fascinating review of the growth of the church in China. The Telegraph (UK) reports that China may become the most Christian country by 2030. Follow
US Campus Ministry Update
I’m delighted to share with you some glimpses into the US campus ministry for this past half year. It’s exciting what God has been doing! Take a look at the Campus Ministry Mid-Year Update.
We’re All Descended from Noah’s 3 Sons
Today’s guest post is from The Sovereign, a blog by Sus Schmitt. The Bible is a significant key to unlock the history of the earliest kingdoms and peoples of the world. About a decade ago, I subscribed to the beautiful