John pictures Jesus standing like that, speaking to the grieving sister of the dead man, Lazarus, “Your brother will rise again.” Does she believe him? “I am the resurrection and the life. Whoever believes in me, though he die, yet
Jesus Died For All of Us
Aafiya (not her real name) cringed at the brutal murder unfolding before her eyes. Tears of sympathy escaped as she watched the stranger on television breathe his last. Instantly, Aafiya felt a hand on her shoulder. Not just a light
Tools to help you share good news with others
Almost all of us feel a little awkward to talk about our faith, but when we do, it energizes us because we have shared something very close to our hearts. These tools will help you get conversations started, whether using
A Person in Dazzling White Appeared to Me
Our staff member heard Andre’s story of coming to Christ. This young disciple was eager to share it. Andre sat close to me and said, “I want to tell you how I met Jesus. About two years ago while asleep,
New Things in the New Year
“And He who was seated on the throne said, ‘Behold, I am making all things new.’” Rev 21:5. I have always appreciated this characteristic of the Lord, that He is always making things new. We get stuck, we wish things
A Wonderful Story from the Tsunami
Todd Fong write in this post on his blog about Mrs. Fukuda, who survived the Mar 2011 Tsunami and tells how she is healing from the experience. There will soon be a video to communicate it. Here is the link: Beauty
Telling the Bible Stories in Mindanao
It’s exciting to see God send out new laborers into His harvest! Each missionary, couple or family we send go as new points of light for the gospel to transform tribes and languages and peoples and nations. We’re encouraged by
HR and App News
It’s such a blessing to get to lead this group. They do wonderful Christ centered work bringing more missionaries to work in the harvest and prepared to go out to the world! Leading, building and encouraging this group is one
Pray for the Senders and Those Sent
In the first 15 days of September, our sending team saw 15 of those we helped prepare get on the plane and head out to their assignments! It is so fun to see new missionaries reaching the field because we
Japanese Gangster Surrenders to Christ
Japanese gangsters live for money and violence, seeking control over people around them. But some of them realize along the way that there is more to life, that they need more than this, and are discovered by Jesus through his