October is supposed to be the month when all the Christmas CD gets designed. At the end of the month all the design pieces go to Korea to be produced, assembled and shipped back to us by Nov 20th for
Updates on the foot and ministry
Well, the foot is moving along slowly… All things are back to normal except that the swelling in my foot is only clearing up slowly. I appreciate your prayers that it go back to normal soon. It doesn’t hurt, but
New Life Forum This Week
Dear praying friend, Some quick updates. Andy is enjoying Azusa again for the fall in southern California. Ben ran 20th out of over 100 guys at the area Cross Country meet Saturday – doing well there. Melissa is doing well
Latest on the Foot
I am hoping that I am out of the woods on this foot infection. There are 2 stubborn red spots fading away more slowly than the rest, though most of the foot is now back to regular color. There is
Pictures of the foot
I know not everyone wants to see pictures of injuries, etc. so please ignore this post if that is not for you! If you click on the “more” link here you will be able to see the pictures, otherwise, please
Basketball AIA and updates
Dear praying friend, A little more of the story! Actually just a couple of days before I had all this trouble with my leg and stomach and all, we had 4 guys arrive from the US with the AIA basketball
Steve's Infections, The Rest of the Story
Dear Praying friends, What a week it has been. (See the earlier message below first.) I have been very worn out through all of this, and its been hard to get going on any messages or email until yesterday and
Steve's Stomach and Leg Infections
Dear Prayer Warriors, This week we have been dealing with a sickness that hit Steve starting very early Sunday morning. He had chills and high fever, followed by vomiting, and the fever stayed very high with him alternately sweating and
Welcome to stc's blog
Glad you dropped by! Either Steve or Rochelle will be editing this little blog with current news and happenings of our family in Japan. We are testing it out to see if this is something our team would like to