On Sept 22nd, Rochelle’s sister married Doug Johnson at a wonderful ceremony reflecting Cheryl’s love of dogs (she is a vet and animal rescue volunteer) in the UCC St. Johns Church in Evans City, north of Pittsburgh Pennsylvania. Our family
Starting Work at HQ
Steve has started into his work assignment at the HQ. I am working in a position titled Director of Sending for HRX. HRX is the human resource department tasked with sending US staff to international assignments who are not campus
Lake Hart STINT Year Preparations
The last two weeks have been a blurr of activity getting settled into Orlando. Getting kids registered, changing plans with Ben and college, Florida tags and licenses and buying a pile of stuff to furnish the kitchen and bedrooms have
Clark's Arrive in Florida!
Thanks to everyone for praying for a safe trip. We have arrived at our new apartment for this year in Orlando, FL. Our address is: Our phone number is: We left Dallas on the 5th of August, enjoying great time
Royal Gorge Visit on our way to Dallas!
Stopped off to see the Royal Gorge in Colorado while we were driving to Dallas. The whole family had a fun time and the incredible majesty and beauty and wildness of God’s creation were wonderfully evident. Yes that tiny red
US Staff Conference
We have been enjoying a week of special meetings and conference with about 4000 US staff members of CCC from all over the world. Many friends have found us or we found them and caught up on old times and
Visiting in Denver
We had a very special time visiting with Steve’s brother and his family in Denver these last few days. Their two little girls and Josh got along famously and we enjoyed outings to a concert in the park, downtown Denver
"Still Waters" Conference in Estes Park
We have been having a wonderful conference here in Estes Park – actually up another 2000 feet above Estes at a place called Aspen Lodge. This conference is a special blessing to those of us who have returned from serving
Travel to Colorado
Hi Everyone! We have arrived in Colorado after our 3 days of driving. Our first destination was St. George, Utah, then we took in a morning visit at Zion National Park, then stayed in Grand Junction Colorado, before arriving in
Getting Ready For Our In-US Move
It’s Root, Root, Root for the Angels, if they don’t win… So here we are in California and enjoying it a lot, but still working on the details. We purchased a used car for our family, starting off with the