We so appreciate your prayers for us. We are getting close to the end of the STINT year, and we will need to: Make a decision about staying in our current role with CCC in HRX, or serving in a
Shuttle Night Launch
My friend Scott took these pictures at the Night Launch of the Space Shuttle Endeavor the other evening (actually, it was the other morning at 2:30am). I thought they were awesome, so I wanted to share them with you. If
25 years with Campus Crusade
It is a real milestone to do something for 25 years, and worth celebrating. I want to invite all who read this blog to join in the excitement! There are actually some friends among our partners who have generously made
Trip to Dallas
This past week Rochelle and I got brave, and left our 5 year old with our teens. We took off for Dallas to spend part of the WorldPassion Week at Northwest Bible Church. It was really encouraging to spend this
Choosing Colleges
Our son Ben is spending this school year working at a local Panera’s, to gain residency status in Florida. He is choosing between Univ. of Central Florida which is here in Orlando, and Florida State University, which is 4 hours
Happy New Year 2008!
Hi Friends! Hope you all had a wonderful time with family and friends on your holiday and celebration of Jesus birth! We so enjoyed having our son Andy with us and Rochelle’s mom visiting too. Here is a family picture
Merry Christmas Everyone!
May the Joy of the Savior overflow in your hearts at Christmas! It is our privilege to serve Him and be a part of helping build movements everywhere. The growth of God’s Kingdom around the world – this amazing adventure
Steve's Workgroup
Just wanted to share with you all a couple pics of the folks I work with. Our Sending Team helps recruit and process applications for those wanting to go overseas with CCC (but not those going with campus, rather, those
Harvest Festival at Headquarters
Part of the experience of working at the HQ is the larger scale fun all the staff can have together. With lots for the kids to do and a fun cookout and hayrides, Rochelle and Josh and I enjoyed the
Transitioning from Japan to USA
Over the last weekend we had a debrief retreat with several other couples and singles back from significant times overseas with CCC. Our whole family went. The location was near Haines City, FL at a lakeside retreat center, including aligators